
Remember Vanilla Ice?


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Robert Matthew VanWinkle best known as Vanilla Ice, who is American rapper, actor and television host, was arrested for burglary charges. However, there will be no jail, probably dropped charges for Burglary Residence and Grand Theft. Despite he seems to do quite a bit of the work himself. Maybe, this incident is a one-time, isolated incident.

More accusations against Bill Cosby

By GalaTView Staff

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I’d be too ashamed to tell anyone too and certainly Bill Cosby has to face the scandal raises of many sexual assault allegations in which some victims have spoken of drugs being used to diminish their faculties. For many this case is a scandal and if he is guilty, he needs to go to jail but the new reality is the rich, famous and powerful to go to jail; not really especially when some remained anonymous and agreed to be witnesses to have an undisclosed amount.