Whitney Houston's Death Statement
Before she was famous: Gaga
Before Lady Gaga became an international success, she was known as Stefani Germanotta. Stepani worked at a restaurant with a photographer Malgorzata Saniewska. In 2005, Malgorzata offered Stepani a free photoshoot, Malgorzata had no idea that her co-worker would be born a pop-star. Malgorzata stated that Gaga was humble, down to earth, and generous. “But even with all the fame she’s still the same girl”, stated Malgorzata. “The fact that we ran into each other and she came up to me, she didn’t say ‘Hi’ and run off. She stood there for 15 minutes, just chatting. She remembered my name, she remembered who I was, and she had so much to say. She’s still the same person to me”. We have the exclusive pictures that Malgorzata took of Stepani aka Lady Gaga.
Madonna and Deadmau5 Dispute
Madonna responds “Communication is always best. You should have called me first, we could have cleared it up privately”. Deadmau5 replies “sure. regardless, just be a little more aware of what you *should* represent at EDM events, and ill watch my mouth.”