
Something in the Air will capture all France's student uprisings

By Jenny Alvarez

Photo by  Courtesy

The film is set in 1971, and it centers on the shifting priorities of a handsomely unkempt high-schooler (Clément Métayer) swept up in the nascent radicalism of the era. Early scenes depict this suburban teen attending student rallies and facing down baton-swinging riot cops during a thwarted demonstration. The period of this movie conveys of history as lived experience of the director. “Youth is a fantasy. It is something that always escapes from your fingers. You try to grasp it and it escapes,” Assayas says (Director of this movie)

This movie is a big-picture ideology that called for sweeping change was fragmented by countless micro-ideologies in irreconcilable conflict among all characters.  Politics is everything: the social struggle all-consuming. But Gilles (main character) gradually becomes more comfortable with his life choices and learns to feel at ease in this new society. In general is a burning dramatic and thematic intensity with great talented young actors. Two thumbs up for smart movies!